Hormone Therapy

in Carrollton

low testosterone hormone therapyGenesis Medical MD provides hormone therapy for male and female patients. It is understood that fixing hormonal balance can dramatically improve the quality of life in more ways than you ever expected. Patients can experience significant improvements in libido, energy level, mental clarity and physical performance. Every treatment is adjusted to an individual body’s needs and monitored for effectiveness.

Low Testosterone

It’s common for testosterone deficiency to affect one mentally and physically. Symptoms of Low T can include: anxiety, low sex drive, fatigue, reduced muscle mass, weight gain, aches and pains.  Blood work is ordered to diagnose hormonal imbalance or testosterone deficiency. Many of the hormonal imbalance issues can then be addressed with appropriate hormone replacement therapy.

Menopause & Andropause

Illness, surgery and medication can lead to hormonal imbalance at any age, however, hormonal imbalance most often hits at 40 – 50’s years of age. Women go through menopause and men through andropause. Symptoms can include: weight gain, depression, mood swings, loss interest in sex, lethargy, insomnia, and just not feeling like oneself.

Hormonal Balance

There is an real answer! Relieve these and many other symptoms and return to normal life with restored hormonal balance through Hormone Replacement Therapy.


Rated BEST chiropractic and alternative medicine provider serving Carroll county and surrounding communities. Decades of experience helping patients with a wide range of conditions.

Our office accepts cash & cards; also we accept most personal injury /auto insurance for covered services for auto accident cases. Our team is available to answer questions and get you scheduled.